Spring (Hom)
A natural remedy for grass allergies, pollen and wandering jew allergies, atopic dermatits in cats and dogs. Spring is a homeopathic remedy that has been designed to support the normal immune response of a cat or dog that is suffering from allergies to grass, pollen and wandering jew.
Allergies to grasses, pollens and wandering jew is something that is becoming more common in pets especially dogs. This can be from pollens via inhalation through the respiratory tract and also as a contact allergy when coming into contact with grasses and wandering jew. This manifests itself as pink raw itchy skin, rashes and raised spots like pimples. With a contact allergy it is very common for the animal to be irritated in the under carriage – tummy, arm pits, groin, paws and also around the ears and mouth.
There will be lots of licking, scratching and biting of these areas. With the trauma this activity creates, it can lead on to secondary infections of the skin. For many pets the only answer has been a vet visit and their pet put on steroids to stop the inflammation.
These contact allergies are called atopic dermatitis, the animal will start with a reaction to grass or wandering jew in the spring or summer, but with the reaction from the body it can develop into an all year round issue, so you can have an animal that is effected all year round. Our Spring remedy has been developed to assist your animal with this allergy in the way of supporting their normal immune response to the reaction.
Allergies are an immune based chronic health issue, to get on top of this long term you need to look at boosting your pets long term health. We have developed our Leaky Gut Kit to help pets cover come these problems. It detox’s, cleanses and builds the gut back up. Check out our Leaky Gut Kit.
Homeopathic ingredients:
Mixed Grasses and Pollens, Euphasia, Histamine, Kikuyu, Sabadilla, Tradescantia flum and Urtica urens
Preserved in a mild alcohol base. Alcohol / Spring water
How to use
Spring comes in a liquid form, as we find this is the easiest way to administer.
It is preferred that it is put straight into the mouth of the animal making sure not to contaminate the dripper. This can be done by adding the drops to a teaspoon, lifting the lip and place in the mouth. But we do realise that this is not always an option, it can therefore be added to food and is just as effective.
All our remedies have an alcohol base as a preservative. If you are worried about the alcohol content, you can put the remedy in warm to hot water to start with, this will burn off the alcohol content.
Dosage: 4 drops 3 times daily for upto 5 days.
How long will a 25ml bottle last: (based on 5 days as 1 course)
Cats and dogs : 6.5 courses per bottle
All instructions are on the bottle.
General Disclaimer: Our remedies are designed to support the natural immune system of your pet and animal. We do not claim to treat, medicate or cure any health conditions. If you are worried about your pet or feel they are in pain or suffering please contact your veterinarian.
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